
We export our unique products widely and seek agents throughout the world. For many markets we specially label our products to suit local requirements and languages. Our products perform brilliantly in all climates and outperform all standard strength products. If you are interested in importing our products, we are keen to supply detailed product information, product samples and our best export quotation.
Contact us for a store nearest to you.
P: +61 8 9472 4000
F. +61 8 9472 0000
E: sales@algaefreeaustralia.com
New Zealand
T & SM Burkett
Mr Trevor Burkett
256 Manaia Road, RD 5 Masterton, New Zealand 5885
P: 06 377 1132
E: trevor.b@slingshot.co.nz
Caribbean Islands
Samaroos Limited
Mr. Steve Samaroo
11-13 Abercromby Street, Port ofSpain, Trinidad, T&T, West Indies
P: (868) 624 8431
F. (868) 624 2076
The Mobile Pool Doctor Co. Ltd
99/43 - 46 Moo4 T. Srisoonthorn A. Thalang Phuket Thailand 83110
P: (+66) 076 620193
M: (+66) 076 620194
W: www.mobilepooldoctor.com
PT Trijaya Maju
Mr. Herman Wangsajaya Jl. Gunung Sahara 7A/11 Jakarta Indonesia
P: (62 21) 628 6013
F: (62 21) 659 6273
E: aj122@cbn.net.ia
Select Pool Products
Mr. Alan Wason
3345 North Service Road, #104A
Burlington, Ontario L7N 3G2, Canada
P: (1-855) 881 0889
E: info@selectpoolproducts.ca
W: www.selectpoolproducts.ca
Spain and Europe
New Distributor Needed
New Distributor Needed
Ran Co Ltd
Ms Tran Tu Quynh (Manager)
56 / 151B Thai Ha Str., Dongda District, Hanoi, Vietnam
P: (84-4) 537 3790
F: (84-4) 537 3772
E: ranmarketing@fpt.vn
W: www.ran-vn.com
New Distributor Needed