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Why use Algaefree Australia products?

About Algaefree Australia
Algaefree Australia are a Western Australian manufacturer of superior quality water treatment products for over 30 years. Algaefree produces the world's best performing Solid Tablet Algicide POOL BLOCKS, High Strength Liquid Algicide POOL DROPS PLUS, Mineral & Organic Stain Removers for Spot Stains or Total Surface treatments, Potable Grade Flocculants, Biological Waterblocs for Ponds or Dams to clear cloudy water and YooVee™ Ultraviolet Water Steriliser. These products are used by households and industry world wide in Domestic and Commercial Pools & Spas, Aquaculture, Zoos and Leading Hotels and Resorts. A family business that provides the best possible service and advice. Feel free to visit one of our dealers, resellers or contact us direct.